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Adaptative/fast-operational Programme Manager/Interim Manager transforming your activities to achieve sustainable results. Post crisis management

53 years old
Driving License
Braine-le-Château (1440) Belgium
Consultant Open to opportunities
BUSINESS CONSULTANT, with strong experiences in multiple sectors, in different types of organizations .

MY CORE COMPETENCES could be grouped in 6 pillars:
  • Programme/Project/Portfolio/PMO Management (incl. recovering failing projects and PM coaching)
  • Transformation/Change Management
  • IT Management, IT governance, CIO a.i./IT executive
  • Process Improvement/Quality Assurance Management
  • Risk Management/Audit/Security Policy Management
  • Sustainability, Corporate Governance, System thinking/systemic modelling, strategic foresight, Lecturer/training/Facilitator and sociocracy facilitator.

This combination of competences makes a full-stack/Swiss knife Interim Manager, with more than 25 years experience, able also to manage a crisis or post-crisis events, bringing back serenity.


Being your partner in solving your problems or implementing your strategy (related to organisation, processes, strategy , governance, compliancy, digitalisation, transformation and sustainability).


Recover trust and serenity.
Congruent & authentic
Change hacker/by-nature coach
Building trust relationship and shared vision
Open-minded, clear vision, humanist, good listener, dutiful
Curious/holistic/360° minded
Team player
System thinker/systemic analytics
Inter-discipline believer
Sense mindset
Governance ambidexter
"Box" claustrophobia
Digital savvy
Post crisis manager/recovering failing projects


Looking forwards to bring real added value in Advisory Boards or Boards of Directors in M/L Corporations.

Advocate sustainability (at any level including board level)

Be part of the next megatrend

Build the next step in your organization in PM maturity, through Project Management coaching


I am pleased to provide plenty of references. But have already a look on my LinkedIn Profile (and the recommendations)


You can reach me at : + 32 479 50 69 37 or Contacts@Sustain-it.Be


You can download this On-line CV in pdf version here below (right side)
Full version of my resume is on: www.laurent-janssens.eu (updated on a regular way)
  • Set-up of joint venture; Establish service portfolio; Sell services; Provide coaching
  • Context: as part of a larger organizational maturity transformation programme, Portfolio, Program and Project Management (3PM) practices have to increase in maturity also
  • In charge of the masterclass on systemic/strategic risk management course (DRM course)
  • In charge of the course "ESG risks", more particularly governance and societal/social themes

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

European Trade Union Confederation
Since June 2023
  • As Data Protection Officer, I help ETUC to improve their privacy footprint
  • Context: replacement a.i. of the Quality Systems & Reporting team lead, with purpose to establish a roadmap to improve technical and organizational capabilities inside the Quality department
  • Context: Ores aimed to hire a swiss-knife Project Manager ad interim, able to adapt & take-over any kind of projects
  • Projects in charge of:
    • BI reporting for public lighting
    • MIRO industrialisation (SAAS)
    • ATRIAS Monitoring & Alerting
  • Context: to support the process-driven strategy, Service Now platform has been selected.
  • Project Manager to reset-up Service Now (core data) & coordination of ITSM process definition & Implementation
  • Context: Ypto aims to increase its maturity in Project Management in order to gain in predictability and improve trust with its partners and clients
  • Coaching to Project Managers
  • Process owner for "Project Initiating & Definition" process
  • Perform a system audit on Human Resource Management process, required by Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • Context: in audit plan 2019, Internal Audit has to assess the risks re client Data
  • Provide independent insight to Management & Board how to change towards a "Data-centric" organization and assess the digital transformation steps
  • Perform the audit plan following D'Ieteren audit methodology
  • Context: an initiatie is ongoing to improve the maturity level on cybersecurity, for Ergo BE & DKV.
  • Establish at Policy level the Cybersecurity Policy, the threat model, the risk appetite statement and the governance
  • Context: head of IT Services
  • Develop & maintain a portfolio of services
  • In charge of P&L for IT services
  • Perform Audit of IT organisations, IT systems, process maturity
  • Sign off audit reports
  • Context: Internal Audit Manager was on pregnancy leave
  • Follow-up of Group audit action plans
  • Identify business risks and validate control measures for any new project
  • Establish updated DRP plan
  • Context: In its yearly audit plan, Internal Audit of D'Ieteren Auto has planned several assignments to audit the IT department and IT processes to provide reasonable assurance regarding the right processing of the margin.
  • Manage the IT Audit assignments
  • Context: following territorality rules of GDPR, Cochlear BENELUX & CTV have to be compliant with the EU Global Data Protection Regulation
  • Provide advisory on privacy programme
  • Context: CRB has to be compliant with the EU Global Data Protection Regulation as from May, 2018.
  • Steer and manage the GDPR programme for CRB (Blood transfusion and Humanitorian Direction)
  • Induce change for employees and volunteers through Prosci/Adkar on processes, systems, behaviors
  • Context: The CRB faced serious IT outages during a long period, with complete loss and withdrawal of IT management team as consequence; I intervened as CIO a.i in a crisis mode.

    On the other side, in its strategic plan, the CRB expects to take the hype of the digital transformation
  • My role as CIO a.i was:
    • to gain back acceptable level of trust (inside IT team but all across the organisation)
    • to make the IT shop runs
    • to establish an improvement roadbook and start implementing it
    • Select the new CIO
  • I was also busy with projects like:
    • GDPR
    • Digital transformation (aka learning solutions)
    • upgrade of windows infrastructure (DC, Exchange, WIFI)
    • Stabilisation of Sharepoint platform
    • Setting QlickView (BI) in place
    • Selecting strategic suppliers as partners
    • Implement practices and processes like Project Management, Portfolio management and service management
  • Context:
    MLOZ/m-team (Health Insurance provider) implemented the IDIT package (Sapiens) and was preparing its roll-out plan
  • Align with business operational readiness activities
  • Report to Steering Committee the weekly status
  • Solve faced problems (technical but also at organizational level)
  • Motivate teams in challenging environment
  • Instill acceptable level of confidence across stakeholders
  • Be an escalation point with issues with the vendor
  • Steer different teams (BI, package implementation, template design, scanning, Infrastructure, release management, vendor) to stick within agreed-upon plan (circa 60 people)
  • Coordinate integration with eCommerce frame
  • Document the pre-mortem analysis
  • The "Merchant Customer services" (CS) department faced several challenges. To solved them, the transformation programme "Butterfly" had for objectives to:
    • Reduce OPEX
    • Increase customer satisfaction
    • Increase employee pride
    • Perform cross/up-selling sales
  • Coordinate the operational readiness activities inside CS for sales strategy (i.e., repricing, smartpay, etc...) or strategic programmes like VAT optin & Anti Money Laundering;
  • Manage a portfolio of 15 concurrent digital transformation initiatives, from definition to implementation and deployment across CS organisation (incl. Selfcare solution, call center platform migration, outsourcing of supply chain element, operational readiness of CRM implementation, ...)
  • Implement lean practices to remove 11 customer frustrations
  • Be part of the priority board (aka rainbow) programme
  • Provide reporting on the progress for the butterfly programme
  • Be part of the CS management team
  • Be people manager of 4 team members,
  • Context: prior to implement the applicative solutions, it requires to design and prepare the infrastructure components
  • Serves as point of contact for Application Owners regarding IT infrastructure work packages (for Technology Operations and Finance/SAP)
  • Identify the infrastructure services to deliver as solution
  • Establish the infrastructure budget as part of the project charter
  • Coordinate, track and monitor the delivery of IT Infrastructure workpackages, performed by Bengalore colleagues
  • Ensure the transition to operations teams goes smoothly
  • Manage end-to-end IT infrastructure projects (Bomgar, MIR3)
  • Act as transformation/improvement agent (including KPI, Configuration Management DB, service management role, transition)
  • Context: ECB – in his new model of supervision of pan european banks as decided by EU in November 2013 – set-up the Asset Quality Review (AQR) framework as pre-requisites for stress tests (published in Oct 14)
  • Coordinate the different tracks of the project (plan – monitor & control)
  • Identify stakeholders and engage with them (other bank departments): in total about 350 employees were involved in the AQR
  • Manage communication with different stakeholders
  • Define the governance model (SteerCo) et provide weekly progress reports to SteerCo
  • Establish the process to collect end-to-end the credit File review data to auditors mandated by BNB/ECB
  • Manage issues/identify risks and mitigation plans
  • Set-up dataroom (based on sharepoint) to share files with mandated auditors
  • Coordinate developments to provide information to operational units (coversheet, T4a pre-filled)
  • Manage cross-border data
  • Organise Lessons Learned and consolidate them to present to SteerCo
  • Context: As financial institution, DLB has to report the state of its internal control to the Belgian National Bank, to be compliant with the Belgian Banking Law
  • Organise the self-assessments of the Internal Control System to fill-in by department heads in the context of the Belgian Banking Law (Art 20)
  • Challenge with these department heads the collected self-assessments (completeness, consistency, status of prior defined actions)
  • Provide recommendations to the head of risk management regarding improvement suggestions for the complete process
  • Summarise findings and analysis
  • Present findings to senior management
  • Elaborate Management Summary to be presented to the Audit Committee, Board and BNB
  • Context: Ogone expected to professionalize its business processes and required to establish and deploy Incident/Service Request /Problem/Change Management processes
  • Assess the As-Is situation regarding Incident/Problem/Change Management (based on ITIL framework) and present it to stakeholders
  • Establish the roadmap of Incident/Problem/Change Management processes
  • Develop the processes and its reference documents (flow, tool requirements, Roles & Responsibilities, Metric plan/KPI)
  • Facilitate workshops to define these processes
  • Pilot processes
  • Perform behaviour change (based on ADKAR) to deploy the processes
  • Prepare the training packages related on those processes and provide training to teams of customer care;
  • Set-up governance of the roadmap of review processes
  • Coach junior project coordinators of deployment/roll-out projects of Incident Management Tool (Efficy) Act as expert on process management for other processes

Program Manager a.i. (Utilities)

August 2012 to March 2013
  • As Program Risk Manager of the project Héraclès (at Tectéo- Utilities), identify and monitor the risks, with mitigation action plan to track
  • Act interim as crisis Manager/program manager to get programme back on track (SAP one in Utilities sector: PP, PM, IZU)
  • Focus on blueprint and data migration
  • Context: NRB expected to increase its portfolio of customers and for this, required to professionalize some management practices in engineering and project management.

    Main objectives: reduce bugs in production and improve predictability
  • Define the Quality Assurance (QA) process with supporting tools
  • Define deployment plan for Process Improvement initiatives;
  • As Program Risk Manager of the project Héraclès (at Tectéo- Utilities), identify and monitor the risks, with mitigation action plan to track
  • Being the project risk process owner for the whole organisation: defining the process, piloting it and deploying it
  • Act interim crisis Management to get projects back on track (SAP one in Utilities sector)
  • Set-up project reporting for the portfolio of projects of the practice Utilities
  • Set-up QA reporting for the projects whereon QA activities are performed
  • Set-up and deploy milestone review process
  • Set-up and deploy lessons learned process
  • Ensure improvements are identified and prioritised,by process owners Organise self-assessment surveys based on sharepoint
  • Facilitate problem solving sessions
  • Be the reviewer and validator of key project deliverables
  • Provide coaching to project teams for any new improvement
  • Based on QA assessments, provide insights on project compliancy towards defined methodology
  • Context: due to the fail of the large programmes, the Board required an audit. Therein, it was stated that the Financial department had to be a challenger and to enforce its oversight role.
    My role was to propose this improvement plan on behalf of the head of Financial Reporting
  • Establish a roadmap of initiatives for improvements (control environment, project monitoring and portfolio oversight)
  • Coordinate the changes/transformation for the financial project reporting (direct expenses instead of ABC model)
  • Perform gap analysis (AS-IS/To-Be) of end-to-end process for outsourcing
  • Ensure compliance with Belgian Banking Law (CBFA Art 20)
  • Provide advice on IT Governance issues (benefit management, portfolio management).
  • Establish a measurement plan to assess portfolio oversight
  • Write Lean Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for team
  • Context: Altran aimed to develop a portfolio of services, wherein IT governance was one of the premium offerings. This required team up competencies in this area
  • Establish the vision regarding IT governance
  • Develop and implement the IT governance practice plan, agreed with CEO and senior consultants
  • Develop the service offerings related to “IT Governance” (alignment, outsourcing strategy, compliancy/IT risk management, value management)
  • Participate in events (Isaca round table) as speaker
  • Facilitate workshops with customers/prospects in pre-sales;
  • Respond to bids, pre-sales activities
  • Provide training on COBIT and Audit approach
  • Increase competences in IT governance (for consultants and business managers)
  • Perform Quality Assurance assessments for strategic programmes and Legacy projects (packages, infrastructure, business applications, etc);
  • Report results to Programme managers and Programme Sponsorship Committees;
  • Collect Lessons Learned as input for process improvement programme;
  • Review Statements of Work for outsourced (offshored) projects ;
  • Set-up and deploy the Quality Management System
  • Work in close collaboration with Risk Management and Audit, to get aligned with findings and recommendations
  • Context: Euroclear had to be compliant with Belgian Banking law (Art. 20)
  • Provide training on COBIT
  • Perform gap analysis between COBIT control objectives and organisation practices, through workshops and interviews
  • Assess current maturity level
  • Define key control objectives
  • Participate in CMMi implementation, to leverage the two initiatives
  • Own the COBIT implementation plan
  • Context: Make sure 1,500 clients world-wide (major Financial Institutions) are ready to deploy strategic Programmes (CCI)
  • Plan and coordinate cross-activities for major business teams (marketing, legal, Customer services, ...) to ensure client readiness
  • Coordinate between involved departments readiness activities for major milestones
  • Identify issues and resolve them, tracking until closure, with appropriate governance
  • Context: VPK Packaging group expected to dubble its turnover by 200% in the coming years (green field/M&A)

    How will the IT organization be ready to support this consequent growth? Has the IT to be central or decentral?
  • Perform As-is analysis based on COBIT, P Weill framework
  • Facilitate workshops to identify which appropriate governance bodies are needed
  • Describe the governance processes
  • Develop the RACI and Terms of Reference for major actors
  • Coach IT managers for all IT management processes (reporting, configuration mgt, communication with stakeholders, etc)
  • Context: Due to the M&A with Swiss Life Belgium, IT manager had to free up her time for preparing a smooth integration
  • As owner of the Project Management Methodology, propose and implement improvements and deploy them
  • Participation in task forces for Integration of projects after acquisition (SLB)
  • Consolidate states of projects and present findings to the Corporate steering chaired by Executives
  • Provide coaching to Project leaders and application managers (estimation process)
  • Review and final checkpoint of business cases
  • Set-up the SEPA initiative
  • Perform Quality Assurance assessments for strategic programmes and Legacy projects (packages, infrastructure, business applications, etc);
  • Report results to Programme managers and Programme Sponsorship Committees;
  • Collect Lessons Learned as input for process improvement programme;
  • Context: AXA was quoted to the NY Stock Exchange and as such, had to be compliant with SoX act (S 404).

    This regulation had a strong impact on the IT department, through the compliancy of IT General Controls and IT Entity level Controls as part of the Management practices
  • Establish SOX Key Controls, linked to the stage to be applied the latest in the Project Life cycle
  • Define SOX Test Strategy
  • Establish and maintain SOX documentation (SOX control objectives)
  • Train the SOX auditors (members of QA team) to the SOX tests to perform
  • Consolidate reports for IT Executives & Axa SOX Prgoramme Manager,

    Track deficiencies, till closure
  • Act as single point of contact with external auditors
  • Make complete IT department aware of SOX impact and Key Controls.
  • Integrate the SOX controls in IT management processes (CMMI & Project Management)
  • Context: each IT department had an assigned quality manager to implement CMMi model
  • Plan and organise the activities of the Quality Assurance coordinators
  • Provide support and coaching for architecture teams with regard to process improvement (integration with Togaf framework)
  • Act on behalf of the IT department Quality Manager and participate on the QA staff meeting
  • Context: AXA expected to get Level 2 of CMMI by applying the practices of the level 2 process areas (including Product & Process Qaulity Assurance)
  • Following CMMi framework, organise quality audit assessments (gathering information, kick off, field work, reporting, closure)
  • Coach junior internal auditors to improve their QA audit skills to be compliant with PPQA process area
  • Deploy Process & Product Quality Assurance Process (PPQA)
  • Review process and practices, defined by the process engineers
  • Ensure process and practices are applied in projects and portfolio of applications
  • Report structural issues and recommendations to IT department Managers
  • Act as Quality coordinator for BI/DWH and Financial projects/portfolio of applications
  • Context: Soficom aimed to create a "shared service" for IT from skratch
  • Ensure IT alignment between holding and subsidiaries
  • Negociate ICT decisions in front of holding’s Executive Committee
  • Define ICT strategy on the level of the holding and deploy it
  • Define ICT policies
  • Manage ICT resources :
    Steer development and deployment of home-made applications and IT infrastructure
  • Final IT decision maker for acquiring a package and deploying solutions
  • Act as architect
  • “Technology wake-up”
  • Context: Banksys, as leader of the Secured Electronic Fund Transferts aimed to ensure all employees applied secured practices in their daily activities
  • Put in place a local security organisation following ISO TR 154xx (Security Charter)
  • Development of a working methodology (security charter and Project plan);
  • Writing the corporate IS Security Policies (based on BS 7799 and ISF) and obtaining approval of the Executive Management;
  • Deployment: awareness, discussion with the labour unions, start-up of IT projects impacted by the policies, etc
  • Participation in the CrossPm workgroup (Project Management Initiative compliant with PMI) to add the security impacts on projects;
  • Representative on the technical committee for standardisation JTC1/SC27/WG1 (see IBN)
  • Context: Banksys - as a subsidiary of a consortium of Financial Institutions had to have an independant audit
  • Establish and obtain commitment on the Audit charter;
  • Manage team (2 direct reports)
  • Establish the yearly audit plan with heads of departments based on risk assessment
  • Coordinate the audit work of auditors
  • Perform audit assignments (financial, operational, IT, security)
  • Organise follow-ups of agreed recommendations
  • Report to the Audit Committee and to the CEO
  • Context: The Y2K migration was nearly finalised but how the Y2K should be organised was late in scope of the projets
  • Project Plan development and kick-off meeting to obtain commitment (and involvement) on the approach
  • Plan the transition activities: dry run, fall-back scenarios, cross-team coordination
  • Develop an integrated corporate test plan (coordination between the different departments);
  • Crisis centre creation
  • Coordination between the communication plans
  • Establish “What if ...” scenarios
  • Active participation to the strategic plans relative of the Y2K;
  • Y2K steering Committee member;
  • Organise dry runs with senior managers of main impacted departments;
  • Participation to the Y2K workgroup of ABB and the Belgian banks;

System thinking

Be Systemic

Since May 2020
Blended course on system thinking and system dynamics, with practical cases, modelling

Director Climate Journey

Chapter Zero

September 2022 to December 2022
This is the chatper zero Brussels flagship climate training & networking program for directors and full boards. It includes 8 workshops and a site visit professionally facilitated and supported by recognized experts and thought leaders.
Learn more

Certified Board Effectiveness


September 2019 to March 2020
Guberna is the professional organization for independant Board members and provide formations for Director & Board Effectiveness.
Learn more

Certified Board Director


February 2019 to March 2019
Guberna is the professional organization for independant Board members and provide formations for Director Effectiveness
Learn more

Prosci certification


January 2018 to February 2018
  • Certification preparation based on ADKAR & Prosci Approach (change management)
Learn more

Intelligence Collective et Gouvernance Participative

Guy Veny

January 2018 to February 2018
Introduction à la sociocratie
Learn more

Change Management




  • Certification
Learn more

Mastering Interim Management


September 2012 to March 2013
Learn more


Learn more

Master Computer Audit

UAMS (Antwerpen)

October 1997 to June 1999
  • Preparation to the CISA
  • review of the main COBIT processes
Learn more

Mechanical Engineer (Ir)

Faculté Polytechnique de Mons

September 1989 to September 1994
5 year as civil engineer (Ir), with focus on mechanical engineering and automatisation.
End testimonials based on calculation of flexible bodies


  • English
  • French
    I learned French as from my six years old, when I went to a French school. I did all my studies in French. I read regularly in French
  • Dutch
    Dutch was my native/first speaking language. I pursued to talk Dutch with my parents and kids


  • Banking & financial services
    Private Banking; Corporate; Credit Management; ePayment; Settlement; Custody;
  • Insurances
  • Life sciences
  • Utilities
    Tecteo, Vivaqua, SWDE, ORES. Knwoledge of Atrias & Public Lightings
  • Healthcare Institutions
  • Non Governmental Organizations
    International Federation; Rescue management; Training Institute; Help to refugiees; Blood Management, Restoring Family Links; Humanitorian activities
  • Transport
  • Construction/Real Estate
    Real Estate; General building project management; Timely associations; large infrastructure building
  • Public sector
    Etnic, RTBF, Ores
  • Manufacturing
    Pharma site; Packaging
  • Medical devices
    Hearing loss
  • Audit office
    Crowe Be
  • Retail
  • Education
  • Media


  • Change Management
    ADKAR, Change Conscious Leader, ..
    Used since 2001 as Security Officer but gained richful experiences all across later assignments (QA coach at Axa, SOX implementation, CLient readiness at euroclear, QA mgr at NRB, Programme manager at Wordline, Ogone, Process manager at Euroclear, GDPR programme mgr, ...
  • System Thinking
    Under mentorship by Jos de Neve and board member of the Cognitive Knowledge Lab
  • Prosci/ADKAR
    Certified on 2018 Feb, 2nd by Nexum
  • Facilitation
    5 why's, Ishikawa, 6 thinking hats
  • Conscious change Leader methodology
    See Dean Anderson approach
  • Digital Transformation
  • Process Management
    ITIL, Finance Management, Learning Management System, ...
  • Scaled Agile FrameWork (Safe)
    Followed the course by Adjugo on 2017, Nov
  • Collective Intelligence
  • Sociocraty
  • Training provider
    • COBIT
    • Governance
    • Estimation technics
    • Green IT
  • Lean
    Certified Lean IT
  • Coaching/Mentoring

Programme Management

  • Portfolio Management
  • Managing Successfull Programme
  • Programme Direction
  • Roadmap design
  • Coach in Project Management
    Ypto, Delhaize, NRB, AXA, Euroclear, Wordline
  • PMO set-up
    Project consolidation, Cost control, Owner of methodology, benefice management/Value Management. See also article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pmo-pso-portfolio-management-game-7-differences-laurent-janssens/
  • Recovering failing projects
  • IT Project Management
    BI, Packages, COTS, home-made,
  • Project Management
    Package implementation, Application development, Transformation/change management, Infrastructure implementation, Operation improvements, Migrations
  • Service Management
    ITIL, Incident management, Service catalogue, Release management, Problem management (anticipative, corrective)
  • Agility
    Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Holocracy/Sociocracy
  • Package/COTS implementation
    UCB, SOFICOM, Croix Rouge, Tecteo (NRB), MLOZ; Euroclear: involved in COTS methodology. See also LinkedIn article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-implement-smart-way-package-cots-laurent-janssens/
  • Prince2
  • Green PM
  • PM²
    Used at Ypto & NMBS
  • Project Management Tools
    MS Project; Service Now ITBM; PlanView; Sciforma
  • Scrum
    Followed the course in 2017 Nov. To pass certification
    Used in Ingenico, Croix Rouge de Belgique
  • Capacity management
  • Demand Management

IT Management

  • IT strategy
  • IT governance
    Value Management; Outsourcing strategy; Portfolio management; Value Management; IT mission; Compliancy
  • Manage developments
    SCRUM; . NEt
  • Manage infrastructure
    VMWare, Citrix, Wintel, Windows Servers, Network, Firewall,
  • Manage service desk
  • ITIL
  • CMMI
  • Enterprise architecture
  • DRP implementation
    Set-up DRP project
  • Information management
  • Data Governance
  • Migration Strategy
    SAP (Tecteo); SAPIENS (MLOZ); Mergers take over (SOFICOM, DLL)
  • Disruptive technologies
    IoT, Big Data, IA, bots, ...
  • Sourcing strategies
  • Testing management
  • Business Intelligence
    Cross BI @Ores

Risk Management

  • Risk Management
    • Process owner of project risk management
    • Operational risk Manager in Bank
  • GDPR
    Global Data Protection Regulation, member of DPO cricle
  • Audit
    Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)
  • Assessment
  • Security management
    Establishing security Management System
  • Compliance projects
    AQR, SOX, GDPR, Art 20 Belgian Banking Law
  • Strategic Risk Management
  • Systemic Risk Management
  • Quality assurance
    CMMI, Coach QA,
  • GAMP
  • Sarbanes Oxley
    Project Manager on IT side for AXA
  • NIS
  • Crisis Management
  • ESG Risks


  • Sustainability in boards
    Chapter zero journey, Guberna events, ESG risks at Ichec
  • Sustainability transformation
  • IT sustainability
    Manifesto; roadmap definition; Transformation
  • Green IT
  • Circular economy
  • Waste Management
  • ESG risks
  • Non Financial reporting


  • General Management
  • Strategy
  • Corporate governance
    Certified director Effectiveness & Board effectiveness by Guberna, regular participation at Guberna events, support through Toolbox
  • Strategic foresight
  • Scenario Management

Sales and Marketing

  • Bid offering/RFP answering
  • Prospection
  • Service Design
    See Crowe BE: DPO-As-A-Service, NIS, Organizational Security
  • Go-To-Market


  • Board Member of the Cognitive Knowledge Lab (CKL)/Be systemic, promoting a systemic approach of complex systems
  • Professional alumni's: Cercle du Lac, CIO Club Wallonie-Bruxelles/Cercle du numérique, PMI, ISACA, Vlerick Alumni, Guberna Alumni, DPO Circle
  • Advisory to management of social organizations on volontarian basis, through Toolbox (La Clé, Donut Brussels, Le Grand Bois Commun)
  • Board member of ZenAttitude : a team of Relay for Life in Braine-l'Alleud


  • Jogging
  • Walking/trekking
  • Yoga/Mindfulness
  • Biking

Going out

  • To cook & discover fine wines with the cooking
  • From time to time a good movy or theatre


  • Any type, with a small preference for thrillers and history novels
  • Management books
  • Cartoons
  • Newspapers